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Yo-Zuri Floating Edge Minnow

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Yo-Zuri Floating Edge Minnow

Price: $13.95
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The Edge Minnow™ Floating is a universal minnow shape with a twist; it has three sides cut into it. The shape of the Edge Minnow™ creates specific angles which reflect light into many different directions like the facets of a gem. The holographic foil adds to the attractions looking like scales falling off a wounded minnow. They also cut through the water like a knife, creating a hard “slicing” action allowing you to switch direction on a dime. In any water conditions this looks like an escaping minnow.

When retrieved fast, the Edge Minnow™ has a wide wobble; when retrieved at a medium speed, a wobbling roll that really reflects light; when retrieved slowly it has a tight rolling action enticing strikes.
Code: yem
Brand: Yo-Zuri

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