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MirrOlure Floating Twitchbait

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MirrOlure Floating Twitchbait

Price: $7.95
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This is the MirrOlure floating twitchbait series, it darts along the surface creating an enticing life-like flashing action with an irresistible sound frequency. Retrieve with a twitching motion varying speed until you star catching fish. The top-water champions, these patented floating twitchbaits are among the most popular surface lures for catching all species of game fish. Varied rod twitches cause these lures to dart and flash below the water’s surface, mimicking an injured baitfish.

• Length - 3 5/8"
• Weight - 3/8 oz
Code: mft
Brand: MirrOlure

MirrOlure Floating Twitchbait - White and Silver With Red Head



MirrOlure Floating Twitchbait - Green and Silver

