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Diamond Presentation 100% Fluorocarbon Leader

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Diamond Presentation 100% Fluorocarbon Leader

Price: $22.95 - $71.95
Overall Rating: This product has no reviews yet.
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It is all in the presentation of the line and bait to the fish and with Momoi's Diamond Flourocarbon "Presentation" line you are sure to have that presence in your angling. Made from 100% pure flourocarbon line and with a refractive index close to saltwater which allows for the line to be much less visible, therefore providing for a more successful catch. Being denser than nylon filament it allows for the line to sink much more efficiently. Quality made flourocarbon leader line by Momoi.
Code: dpfl
Brand: Diamond

Diamond Presentation - 100% Fluorocarbon Leader - 100yd. 20lb. Pink



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