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Moeller Gas Tank Topside - Non EPA Compliant

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Moeller Gas Tank Topside - Non EPA Compliant

Price: $330.00 - $375.00
Overall Rating: This product has no reviews yet.
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Manufactured from high-density polyethlene with UV-stabilized resin. Provides positive seal with Moeller-exclusive injection molded 2 ¼" fill neck. Mechanically vented fuel cap ensures eay gripping. Features rotating 90°, ¼" NPT fuel withdrawal elbow that eliminates kinked fuel lines. Includes mechanical direct-sight gauge with easy-to-read indicator. Specifically designed for use in Boston Whalers, Carolina Skiff and Key west bench style, center console, pontoon, deck and jon boat design.

• Note: Non EPA compliant tank may only be used on boats built prior to 2011.

14 Gal - 43" L X 15" W X 6 7/8" H

15 Gal - 42 1/2" L X 14 3/4" X 7 5/8" H

18 Gal - 28" L X 15" W X 12 5/16"H

24 Gal - 29 1/4" L X 19" W X 12 1/4" H

Moeller Gas Tank Topside - Non EPA Compliant

Code: GGTT
Brand: Moeller

Moeller Non EPA Compliant Fuel Tank - 14 Gal



Moeller Non EPA Compliant Fuel Tank - 15 Gal



Moeller Non EPA Compliant Fuel Tank - 24 Gal

