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Gobee - 2151 Halogen Spotlight w/ Remote

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Gobee - 2151 Halogen Spotlight w/ Remote

Price: $168.00
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GOLIGHT GoBee Bow Mount Search / Navigation Light 2151 Black Portable Remote Control Spotlight Design Patent # -7,862,197 & D575,424 & D582,048 The new Gobee sports a sleek, low profile design while retaining much of its bigger brother's functionality at a very affordable price. With its 360° rotation and 90° tilt and the 25 ft. range wireless remote control you can direct the light wherever you need it from wherever you need to be. The flexible magnetic base helps to keep the light in place even with today's curved roof designs. LIGHT FEATURES: 360° Rotation 90° Tilt 1000 Lumen 55 watt Bulb 80,000 candela Peak Intensity Compact RF Wireless Remote Control Programmable wireless remote with 16 security settings Flexible Magnet Base 15 ft. detachable Power Cord PACKAGE INCLUDES: Light Compact Hand Held Remote Nylon Storage Bag

Gobee - 2151 Halogen Spotlight w/ Remote

Code: G2151
Shipping Weight: 4.00 lb.
Portable & Flashlights
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