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Perko Bow Chocks  3-1/2"

    Perko Bow Chocks 3-1/2"

    Price: $10.95
    Overall Rating: 5.0 out of 5
    Read All Reviews (1)
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    Chrome plated die cast zinc alloy. Length: 3-1/2 inches. Width 7/8 inch. Rope diameter: 1/2 inch.

    Perko Bow Chocks 3-1/2"

    Code: 1223DP0CHR
    Shipping Weight: 1.00 lb.
    Brand: Perko
    MPN: 1223DP0CHR
    UPC: 085226376719
    Anchor/ Bow Chocks & Hawse
    Best Sellers

    Product Reviews for "Perko Bow Chocks 3-1/2""

    Average Rating 5.0 out of 5
    100 % of those who responded said they would recommend this to a friend
    Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
    By Dan from Ohio - Nov 23,2014  


    I would recommend this product.