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Betts Old Salt Cast Net - 3/8 Inch Mesh

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Betts Old Salt Cast Net - 3/8 Inch Mesh

Price: $35.95 - $77.95
Overall Rating: This product has no reviews yet.
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• Premium cast nets open fully and spread flatter
• High-quality, 3⁄8" mono mesh
• Lead weighted at about 1 lb. per foot of radius
• Detailed instructional brochure included

These premium cast nets open fully and spread flatter than the imitations. Betts uses high-quality, 3⁄8" mono mesh to guarantee many seasons of rugged use. Generously lead weighted at about 1 lb. per foot of radius, so Old Salt nets sink faster and trap more bait. Detailed instructional brochure included.

Old Salt Cast Net - 4 foot



Old Salt Cast Net - 6 Foot



Old Salt Cast Net - 5 Foot



Old Salt Cast Net - 7 Foot



Old Salt Cast Net - 10 Foot

