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Savage Gear 3D TPE Manic Shrimp

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Savage Gear 3D TPE Manic Shrimp

Price: $5.95
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Inshore saltwater sport fish see more specialized angling pressure today than any time in History. For this reason Savage Gear set out to make one of the most life-like shrimp baits possible in both looks and underwater movements to trigger these pressured fish into biting. To create the ultimate bait we started with the real thing; actual shrimp, which were then 3D scanned to create the most detailed shrimp lure possible, the Savage Gear 3D TPE Manic Shrimp. 1 per pack. Features:

• Based on 3D Scans from a Real Shrimp.
• Specially designed tail for life like kicking action.
• Ultra-realistic paint jobs perfectly mimic many shrimp species.
• Exaggerated legs and antenna for life like actions on the fall or retrieve.
• The tail section is infused with Nylon mesh to help prevent tearing on the hook set or from short bites.
• Rigged with a weighted ultra-sharp EWG hook.
Brand: Savage Gear
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