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Sufix Hi-Vis Yellow Superior Monofilament - 100 Lbs 2405 Yds

    Sufix Hi-Vis Yellow Superior Monofilament - 100 Lbs 2405 Yds

    Price: $118.95
    Overall Rating: This product has no reviews yet.
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    While there are a number of features to consider in choosing saltwater lines and leaders..."strength" tops the list. Sufix® Superior™ is incredibly strong with one of the highest tensile strength ratings of any premium monofilament. And no other mono offers the low stretch and fast recovery of Superior. That's why top captains - including many tournament money winners - won't leave the dock without Sufix® Superior™ lines and leaders. Superior offers an excellent balance of the essential physical properties needed for high performance fishing.

    * Incredibly strong - Superior line and leaders rank among the highest in tensile strength
    * Incredibly tough and abrasion resistant
    * Controlled stretch for fast recovery and excellent hook setting power

    Sufix Hi-Vis Yellow Superior Monofilament - 100 Lbs 2405 Yds

    Code: SS650300
    Shipping Weight: 6.00 lb.
    Brand: Suffix