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Lazer Sharp Shark Rig

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Lazer Sharp Shark Rig

Price: $5.95
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Natural baits for Sharks can be used whole or rigged as chunk bait. Most people attract the Shark by chumming from boats with oily fish such as Bunker or Bluefish. Most Sharks are caught in open waters using rigs with up to 15 feet of No. 12 to 15 single strand wire leaders rigged on heavy monofilament. Freshly caught sharks (except Makos) should be bled and iced down immediately.

• Hook size is 11/0

Lazer Sharp Shark Rig

Code: L932-11-0
Shipping Weight: 0.20 lb.
Brand: Lazer Sharp
MPN: L932-11/0
UPC: 047708616812