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Contura Rocker Switch - On - On - Double Pole

    Contura Rocker Switch - On - On - Double Pole

    Price: $26.95
    Overall Rating: This product has no reviews yet.
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    Contura Series rocker switches are general purpose switches with options to meet most any needs. Contura Series have interchangeable actuators to change the look of a panel without changing the switch itself. Actuators are sold separately. These switches can be easily integrated into a variety of applications including Marine, Off Road, Generator, and Industrial Controls markets. Switch has a polyester base meeting UL flammability rating of 94 V-0. Terminals are brass 1/4" Quick Connects. Switch has two Dependent Incandescent 12V DC Light rated for 10,000 hours.

    ES-VDDA is an On-On Double Pole Double Throw Switch.

    • 20 Amperes at 12 Volts DC
    • Additional ratings available by special request

    • Dielectric Strength 2000V
    • 150,000 Cycles Minimum Life
    • Sealed to IP68
    • Mil-STD 202F Vibration to 10G’s
    • Ignition Protected to UL1500, ISO8846 and EC directive 94/25/EC

    Contura Rocker Switch - On - On - Double Pole

    Code: ES-VDDA
    Shipping Weight: 0.10 lb.
    Brand: Contura