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Head Start Diver Ballyhoo Rigging System with Hook and Chain -  Black

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Head Start Diver Ballyhoo Rigging System with Hook and Chain - Black

Price: $9.95
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DIVER ( 4 ft deep @ 6 knots) The diver gives the bait a very natural swimming action that attracts most all game fish. This is achieved by the bait's freedom of movement on the HEAD START. The ballasted weight, 1.75oz, keeps the bait upright and running true. Locating the hook far to the back eliminates those short strike misses. The HEAD START is a quick-rigging system for ballyhoo, squid and other bait fish. The HEAD START gives dead bait a very natural swimming action which attracts game fish strikes at a variety of trolling speeds. The system was designed for ballyhoo, but all over the world fisherman are rigging it with a variety of baits in both salt and fresh water. Molded of polycarbonate, the HEAD START has been awarded a U.S. patent for its unique through-the-eye locking system. This creative system ensures that the bait does not spin, which prevents line twists and tangles. Both the DIVER and the SURFACE RUNNER give any bait an exciting action, resulting in more strikes and with the hook located in the tail of the bait fish, more hook-ups. • Rigs in 20 Seconds • Eliminates Bait Wash-Out • True Running Every Time • Available in Seven Colors • Rigs Bait Fish, Strips or Squid • Durable, Compact & Versatile • Adjustable Hook Location • Bead Chain, or Wire Leader Head Start Diver Ballyhoo Rigging System with Hook and Chain

Head Start Diver Ballyhoo Rigging System with Hook and Chain - Black

Shipping Weight: 0.15 lb.