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Heat Shrink Tubing Heavy Duty 3/4 Red - 2 Pack

    Heat Shrink Tubing Heavy Duty 3/4 Red - 2 Pack

    Price: $5.95
    Overall Rating: This product has no reviews yet.
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    3- to-1 is a semi-flexible, cross-linked polyolefin heat shrink tube that possesses a meltable inner lining of adhesive that flows when heated. In addition to insulation and mechanical protection, this tubing provides a moisture-proof seal for wires, splices, breakouts, and components.

    • 3:1 Shrink Ratio
    • Operating temp range -55°C to 110°C
    • Semi-Flexible
    • Moisture Sealing
    • Flame Retardant

    Heat Shrink Tubing Heavy Duty 3/4 Red - 2 Pack

    Code: BHW3-4RD
    Shipping Weight: 0.25 lb.