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Rule - 800 GPH Seacock Inlet Livewell Pump - 403FC

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Rule - 800 GPH Seacock Inlet Livewell Pump - 403FC

Price: $78.95
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"FC" Tournament Series Removable Motor Cartridge

For Thru-Hull Applications Straight 4-3/4" Pickup Tube

These new pumps are built on Rule's unsurpassed quality and leadership in pump design and technology. The innovative design includes many new and exciting features including a quick, on hand "push button" motor cartridge removal system, patented rotatable base that allows you to position the discharge nozzle at any location and treaded nylon hose barb attachments which allow for various hose mounting options. Other features include a built-in dual port option, water-cooled housing, and positive snap motor cartridge locking mechanism.

Rule - 800 GPH Seacock Inlet Livewell Pump - 403FC

Code: 581858
Shipping Weight: 1.00 lb.
Brand: Rule