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Attwood -  LED All-Round Fold-Down Light w/Adjustable Base 12"

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Attwood - LED All-Round Fold-Down Light w/Adjustable Base 12"

Price: $30.95
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Two-mile, 360° visibility for use on boats up to 39.4' (12 meter). Anti-Glare light. Big cam-lock handle is easy to release for quick tilt and adjustment of the light pole. Once locked, stays locked in normal conditions. In extreme conditions, the cam-lock releases and allows base to swing down. Bases install with required #10 fasteners. Comes with both vertical and horizontal mounts. Pole: Black Plastic

Attwood - LED All-Round Fold-Down Light w/Adjustable Base 12"

Code: 23-5358127
Shipping Weight: 2.00 lb.
Brand: Attwood